See modified office hours on the Contact Page
Emergency contact during this time will be David Walshaw 0417 874 668
Congratulations to 5THE FM Millicent, which has been allocated a five-year community radio broadcasting licence by the Australian Communications and Media Authority!
The station had been previously allocated a 12-month temporary licence that was due to expire on 27 June.
Chairperson David Walshaw expressed his gratitude to members, listeners, guests, and sponsors and said that 5THE FM will strive to grow and innovate through identifying emerging trends in community broadcasting and by responding to listener feedback.
He added a huge “Thank you to our many supporters. The income from sponsorships and membership fees enables us to make positive changes at the station, pay our bills and most importantly reach out to those in need through our community announcements, reduce loneliness, and make a difference in the lives of many individuals including those who volunteer at the station.”
Everyone in the community can do their bit by joining as a member. There is now a button at the bottom of this page to download a membership form and when completed drop it in to the station with $10. We hope you’ll help out with this modest donation. Every bit helps.
Our transmission on 107.7 MHz reaches to Millicent and surrounding areas including Beachport, Kingston SE, Mount Gambier, Naracoorte and Robe. We broadcast contemporary and specialist music, multicultural programs, community information and views 24 hours, 7 days per week. Community access is available through community service announcements, interviews or notices by sponsorship.